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Shiksha Bikash Secondary School

Class 8 Model Question (New Curriculum) Set – 1

Class 8 Model Question (New Curriculum) Set – 1
Class 8 Model Question (New Curriculum) Set – 1

Class 8 Model Question Set – 1

Basic Level Examination -2080

Class -8                                            P.M. – 50

Subject- English.             Time- 2 Hours.   


Attempt all the questions.

Students are required to give answers in their own words. Numbers in the margin indicate full marks.

1. Read the passage below and do the activities that follow:                             5

Pre-flight Announcement

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to Flight RA-402 from Kathmandu to New Delhi. We're currently third in line for takeoff and are expected to be in the air in approximately five minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts and secure your baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. Make sure that you put your seat in the upright position for take-off. We also request you to turn off all personal gadgets, including laptops and mobile phones. Smoking is strictly prohibited during the flight. Thank you for choosing Nepal Airlines. Enjoy your flight.


Nepal Airlines


A. Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate words from the passage above.

          i. Nepal airlines is currently _________ in line for takeoff.

          ii. The passenger should secure their baggage _____________.

          iii. Passengers are requested to turn off _____________.

          iv. ____________ is strictly prohibited during the flight.

          v. The announcement is made by ______________.


2. Read the passage below and do the activities that follow:                            5

A Father's Letter to his Son

In a city, a boy lived with his parents. His grandparents used to live far away in another city. The parents would take their son to his grandparents’ house during summer -_ holidays every year. They would stay there for fifteen to twenty days and then return. The boy always loved visiting there. This continued every year. With time, the boy grew up. One day, the young boy said to his parents, “Now, I am big, I can go to my grandparents’ house alone. Is it okay if 1 go on my own? Please let me go by myself.” His parents refused at first but when the boy insisted, finally they agreed. His parents were worried about his safety. So, they taught him everything he needed to know about travelling alone.


A. Write T for true and F for false statements.

 i. The boy’s grandfather lived with his grandfather.

          ii. The boy now wanted to visit his grandfather alone.

          iii. His parents refused to let him go alone.

          iv. His parents were worried about his safety.

          v. His father taught him about travelling alone.

3. Read the passage below and do the activities that follow:                               5


September 19, 2018

The Editor

The Rising Nepal

Kathmandu, Nepal

Subject: Air pollution – a concern.

Dear sir,

Through your esteemed daily, I’d like to highlight the problem of pollution in our city.

Among other environmental problems, we have the pollution problem which is on the rise, thanks to the increasing number of factories. They are the major source of air and water pollution. Air pollution leads to suffocation, breathing problems and lung diseases when our lungs are choked with polluted air. If the air we breathe is polluted, then we will surely be a victim of such diseases. Factory owners should be aware of this. They should take responsibility for the environment around them. The thick smoke emitted by the chimneys

of factories is full of poisonous gases. This mixes with pure air and causes pollution. There should be a strict law to punish the owners of such factories if they do not take the moral responsibility to keep the air clean.

Yours faithfully,

Nitin Rai


A. Match the column A with their meaning in column B.   

Column A                                  Column B

i. Esteemed                                admired.

ii. Chimney                    causing or capable                              of causing death or illness

iii. Poisonous           a vertical channel or                              pipe which conducts smoke

iv. Suffocation         a disorder of structure                                     or function in a human

v. Diseases              difficulty in breathing


4. Read the poem below and do the activities that follow.                           5+5

I will Soar

If I were - a birdie,

I'd head up to the sky.

I'd spread my wings like sunshine.

I know I could fly mighty high!

If I were a birdie,

My feathers would be bright.

Every color would be striking.

I'd soar and reach new heights.

If I were a birdie,

I'd sing a lovely song.

Everyone would stop and listen;


They would begin to sing along.

If I were a birdie,

I'd follow all my dreams.

Small streams to vast oceans,

Under golden bright sunbeams.

If I were a birdie,

I'd flit about from tree to tree

With many different flocks of birdies.

We would be free to be free.

If I were a birdie,

I'd head up to the sky.

I'd spread my wings like sunshine.

I know I could fly mighty high!




A. Write the antonyms of the following words.

i. earth    ii. Same       iii. Reality                   iv. End                    v. trapped


B. Answer the following questions.

i. What would the poet do if he were a bird?

ii. How would he spread his wings?

iii. What would the poet sing?

iv. Who is the writer of this poem?

v. Where does the poet want to reach?


5. Punctuate the following :                                                                                 5

Is that your monster? he asked mother gently, smiling and pointing into the brush. come here, he said and look closely at an ordinary black snake whose appetite is bigger than his mouth. that’s a huge green frog stuck half in and half out of his mouth those fangs are the frog's legs


6. Construct a readable story from the following outlines below:                               5

A hungry fox – sees a crow – crow has a piece of meat - fox wishes to have it - starts to praise –asked to Sing – crow starts singing- meat falls down – fox eats it and moves away .


7. Write an essay on any one of the following topic:                                                   10

a. Our Pride: Our Mt. Everest

b. My plan after BLE Exam


8. Do as indicated in the bracket:                                                                             5

 i.          She works hard. (Into past continuous tense)

    ii.          Rohit is doing his job. (Into negative)

  iii.          He said to me, “I hate you.” (into reported speech)

  iv.          Police arrested Deepak. (Into passive voice)

 v.          She is having trouble with her laptop. (Into yes/no question)

  vi.          He comes to school __________ bus. (by, with, for)

vii.          He is learning English ___________ he can get a good job. (because, so, so that)

viii.          If I were a Prime Minister, I __________ my country.(will develop have developed, would develop)

  ix.          He did _________ excellent job. (a ,an ,the)

     x.          One of the students ______ absent today. (is ,am, are)





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