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Shiksha Bikash Secondary School

TSC Success Tips by Kathmandu District Toppers duo Mr. Keshav Dutt Joshi nad Miss Chandani Bhatt

TSC Success Tips by Kathmandu District Topper Mr. Keshav Dutt Joshi
TSC Success Tips by Kathmandu District Toppers duo Mr. Keshav Dutt Joshi nad Miss Chandani Bhatt

Dear Competitors,

As you know very well neither we are too much experienced nor we are professional writers, but also we have attempted this work stepping on the foundation of our success on Teacher Service Commission's  examination 2070. We were in the course of thesis writing when TSC announced the vacancy for about 13000 teachers throughout the country. 

Most of the people went to their own districts to fill out the form. The reason behind going back to their districts could be many but one of them was possibility of tough competition in Kathmandu. It was heard that many of the university teachers were filling out the forms from Kathmandu but we people including some of our close friends didn't go anywhere and decided to fill out the form from Kathmandu. 

Our confidence, positive and high thinking and belief on our hard work made us remain still in our decision. Our decision was more strengthened by the remarks of some of teachers namely, Mr. Sita Ram Koirala, Mr. Hari Lamsal, Mr. Dilli Luitel, Mr. Bishnu Adhikari, Mr. Mahashram Sharma, Mr. Mukund Mani Khanal, Ms. Sita Rai, and Ms. Kunti Adhikari who used to teach us in our preparatory classes in Zenith Education Promotion Kirtipur. We took our  exam patiently but with high ambition and became able to do hat trick writing the name at the top of the list. 

As everyone wanders in the beginning for what to study? How to study? Where to study? When to study? How much to study? We also wandered, but the suggestions of our teachers helped us to answer all these queries. Especially we were much impressed by the guidance provided by our respected guru Mr. Sita Ram Koirala. Therefore, the credit of our success goes to him. We'd like to share the guidelines that we got from our teachers and the real situations that we faced while preparing for TSC examination here so that readers can at least take some benefits from it.

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1) The first and foremost thing to be understood is that most of the books give theoretical knowledge but in the examination we need practical knowledge to answer the questions effectively. Therefore, while studying any topic try to relate it in practical field (i.e.. real classroom environment in the context of Nepal).

2) If you have joined preparatory classes, there too, most teachers give emphasis on theoretical knowledge and most of the time they spend
on teaching the course for objective test. Therefore, your demand should be how to utilize the theoretical knowledge into real classroom
teaching and emphasise on the content on the basis of their weightage.

3) Our experience is that subjective test determines your success. In our exam only 15 objective questions and answers were correct then also we could be able to achieve the first position in TSC examination only because of subjective test.

4) The next thing is, collect authentic materials given in the curriculum as far as possible and study them in detail and take some important
notes from them so that you should not go through them again.

5)In the case of choosing the book, seek for practical knowledge because theory you have studied much in your colleges and for theoretical knowledge college books are the best even for the preparation of TSC examination.  One single book cannot be sufficient for your preparation. Thus, choose a basic book which presents all contents prescribed in the curriculum practically, go through it in detail and scan 2-3 other books found in the market to check whether any extra information is given in them. If found any, note it down in your basic book.

6) Moreover, the revised curriculum has included many theoretical topics for checking competitors' subject matter knowledge. Therefore, the books prescribed for B.Ed. and M.Ed. level are very essential for detailed knowledge of subject matter prescribed in TSC Curriculum for Secondary Level.

7) Never miss to study the documents related to your curriculum published by government of Nepal, such as Flash Report, Constitution of Nepal. You can get such documents in the official
websites of various educational organizations and institutions.

8) Don't forget to read the current policies, acts and rules related to education and your curriculum. For this, Law Commission's website is highly effective.

9) Collection of old question papers of TSC and regular written practice of them is inevitable. Moreover, you can construct similar set of possible questions and practice them following the time framework as if you are in exam hall. 

10) Try to make your answer unique and distinct than others that's why the examiner will be impressed with it. Construct a frame-answer of every possible question. 

11) Make a short and sweet background of each chapter which can be utilized to answer any question asked from that chapter. Don't forget to make a list of important words from each chapter.

12) Try to write first sentence of first paragraph and first word of first sentence as attractive or impressive as possible.

13) Time management in writing is the most crucial element in achieving success in competitive examinations. Therefore, don't spend time in writing background or unnecessary details, i.e. just hit the subject matter while answering the question. We prefer to start answer with the answer of what question, i.e. with short definition of the key
terminology asked in the question.

14) We don't suggest to study all the time leaving your other daily activities neither do we, instead, we suggest to have a dedication towards study and whenever you sit for your study dissolve yourself in it and study with heart and soul. If you could study forgetting yourself, we are sure you will certainly get success.

15) Group study can be helpful for you but before involving in it you must have gone through your course at least once yourself so that you can take much benefit from it without getting discouraged.

16) Give much emphasis to the Secondary English curriculum prescribed by the CDC because you are going to implement it into classroom so that all of the questions asked in the TSC exam are revolving around it. 

These are the secrets that led us towards the success in TSC examination. But we are very much familiar with individual differences and habits of the people. So, you may utilize your own habit if you are enjoying it to achieve your target. There can be many ways to reach on the apex. we use this way and feel it easy, someone else may have used any other way and you can use your own way.

On the basis of our experience we would like to suggest you to join preparatory classes if you have access because you can get various ideas, views, suggestions and feedback from experts and scholars of the related field. Another benefit is that you can meet different types of competitors in these centers so that your motivation will be high which is too much essential for getting success. If you do not have access to the preparatory classes then also you need not to be discouraged you can do yourself. The only thing you have to keep in mind is to practice old questions and write as much as you can because you have to win the
heart of your examiner through your writing. Therefore, write as much as possible so that you will have many readymade answers to write in the examination. When you read, you may think you can do the best but when you start to write you may not write as you are thinking and know your actual level of study.

At last, we would like to say that positive and high thinking, self- confidence, and continuous hard work are the keys to success. Written practice is the heart of getting success in TSC examination. If you internalize these things and practice in your daily life we are sure nobody can prevent you from writing your name on the list of government teachers this year. 

Best of luck!


This article has been extracted from the book "A Key to Success in Teacher Service Commission" written by Keshav Datta Joshi and Chandani Bhatta. 

About Keshav Datta Joshi and Chandani Bhatt

Mr. Keshav Datta Joshi is a Secondary level English Teacher teaching at Mahankal Janajagrit Secondary School, Golfutar, Kathmandu. He topped the TSC Secondary level English Teacher Examination held in 2070 from Kathmandu. Recently, he also passed the 25% internal competition examination held by  Teacher Service Commission in 2078 and bacame SECOND CLASS Secondary level teacher. 

Miss Chandani Bhatta is a Secondary Level English Teacher teaching at Mahendra Rastriya Secondary School Baluwatar, Kathmandu. She passed All the written exams (Primary, Lower Secondary and Secondary level) and finally got selected as the Secondary level English teacher securing 1st postion (Female). 

Later, they both married to each other. Since long, they both are actively involved in teaching learning activity. They have written and published various reference books ranging from +2 to master's level. They are also continuously publishing Teachers service commission exam oriented books which are helping lakhs of students. 

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