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Shiksha Bikash Secondary School

Pandemic And After by Govinda Raj Bhattarai : Summary and Exercises


We all agree with the fact that our planet earth is a beautiful and joyful place to live . Though nature have fixed our life to one extent , everyone wants to live on earth is long as possible . Our doctors and scientists are also trying there best to make people live life to the fullest . To some extent the have succeeded too.  The earth however keeps on threatening human beings by challenging his knowledge and experience. Because time and again , some new variant of disease and death is sent to us . COVID 19 is one of them which we are facing nowadays .

But it is not only COVID 19 that has striked the earth , Black Death epidemic of the 14th century , Spanish Influenza pandemic of early 20th century were some of the deadliest diseases which took millions of life worldwide . Similarly, Ebola HIV, DENGUE,  SARS CoV, Mers Cov etc were some other life threatening diseases.

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 There is slight difference between epidemic and pandemic where epidemic refers to disease that affect people within a community, population , or region and pandemic refers to an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the population . 

The Corona Virus is transmitted mainly via respiratory droplets when people sneeze cough or exhale . It's highly spreadable and life-threatening from which 5,903,219 people have died so far as of February 20, 2022 . Moreover, 424,255,015 life has been affected so far . The highest affected countries due to Corona are USA , India , Brazil , France , UK , Russia , Germany , Turkey , Italy and Spain . 

But good news is that doctors and scientists have now found vaccine to fight with this dealdly disease . Many have been vaccinated already and the vaccination processes is going on. But even though the vaccine have been invented, it is not that we don't have to worry about Corona anymore . Corona is still around us and we must be aware of it . Some precautions that we can implement in our daily lives are is follows:

1. Maintain a safe distance from other (at least one metre)

2. wear  a mask in public especially when physical distance is not possible . 

3. Clean your hands often with soap and water .

4. Get vaccinated when it's your turn . 

5. Stay home if you feel unwell.

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