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Unit 2 - Family: All Exercises | Compulsory English Class 12

Unit 2 - Family: All Exercises | Compulsory English Class 12
Unit 2 - Family: All Exercises | Compulsory English Class 12 

 Working with Words 

 A. Find the words from the text and solve the puzzle. Clues are given below.


1. the custom of having more than one wife at the same time

Ans: Polygamy

5. to find an acceptable way of dealing with opposing ideas, needs etc.

Ans: reconcile

6. the process in which towns, streets, etc. are built where there was once countryside

Ans: urbanisation

7. the process by which somebody learns to behave in an acceptable way in their society

Ans: Socialization


1. ruled or controlled by men

Ans: Patriarchal

2. the act of taking over a position

Ans: Domination

3. done in a way without caring if people are shocked

Ans: blatent

4. single-parent

Ans: LoneParent

B. Find the meanings of the following family-related words and use them in your own sentences.

a. nuclear family: a group of people who are united by ties of partnership and parenthood. 

b. monogamy: the practice of marrying or getting married to one person at a time.

c. Sibling-in-law: A sibling-in-law is the spouse of your sibling or vice-versa or the person who is married to the sibling of your spouse. 

d. Milk kinship: It is the practice of breast feeding by a nurse either from a same community or a neighbouring one to feed a child. 

e. matrilineal: of or based on kinship with the mother or the female line. 

f. nepotism: the trend or practice of favouring friends, family or relatives especially by giving them jobs. These activities are done by those in power or influence. 

g. maternity: the period during pregnancy and after childbirth. 

C. Make at least five words using the prefixes given. Consult a dictionary to learn how they change the meaning of root words.

a. Pre: prevent, preoccupied, prehistoric, preview, preposition

b. Semi: Semi-colon , semiconductor, semivowel, semiprecious, semitrailer

c. Sub: sub engineer, subsidiary, subordinate, subversive, subsequent

d. Mis: misunderstanding, mistranslation, misinformation, misleading, misplace

e. Mono: monogram, monopoly, monotonous, monogamous, monochrome

f. Un: undesirable, unidentified, unimportant, unimaginable, unable

g. In: incomplete, insight, insignificant, inactive, inaccurate

h. Inter: intercaste, international, internet, interact, interracial


A. The headings of the first five paragraphs of the above text are given below. Write paragraph number next to them.

a. Patriarchal family - para 3

b. Functions of the family- para 2

c. Modern model of family- para 5

d. Effects of industrialization on family structure- para 4

e. Defining family- para 1

B. Answer the following questions. 

a. What type of family is thought to be the oldest form of the family?

Ans: Nuclear family is thought to be the oldest form of the family.

b. How does a family provide security to its members?

Ans: In a family, there may be members that are too old or too young that they can't take care of themselves.So living in a family provides physical security to its members. Similarly family also provide financial and social security to its members. 

c. What were the features of medieval European family?

Ans: The features of medieval european family was male dominated and extended. 

d. What caused the dissolution of extended families in the West?

Ans: in the west industrial edition and accompanying o urbanisation  spawned continued to spawn. Many people particularly unmarried youths left farms and went to urban centres to become industrial workers. This process led to dissolution of many extended families. 

e. What change occurred in gender role in the modern family that emerged after the Industrial Revolution?

Ans: the modern family that moved after the industrial revolution is different from the earlier model for instance patriarchal rule began to give way to greater equality between the sexes. Similarly family roles once considered exclusively male or female broke down.

f. What is family law?

Ans: family law defines the legal relationships among family members as well as the relationships between families and society at large.

g. How is modern marriage defined?

Ans: Morden marriage is best described as a voluntary union usually between a man and a woman . 

h. What do special family courts try to do?

Ans: Special family court attempt to deal more fairly with sensitive issues such as custody of children. 

i. What does the legislation on child labour and child abuse declare?

Ans: legislation on charge labour and child abuse  asserts societies responsibility for a child's best interests. 

j. What is common among most legal systems regarding property?

Ans: Most legal systems have some means of dealing with division of property left by a deceased family member. 


A. Write an essay on The Importance of Family. In your essay, you can use these guiding questions. 

• Why family is important to you. 

• Why family is or is not important for society.

How you think families will change in the future.

Ans: Family is a set of people usually consisting of an adult male and an adult female and their children . Some families consist of elderly people also . Family is also considered as a part of society . Every person in this world is a member of a family . We can assume that the concept of family was made because no one can leave alone . Similarly there are various importance of having a family .

Family provides us security whenever we needed . The family members help each other to overcome any kind of difficulty. Family provides space where members can discuss problems and come up with the best possible solution. Family also provides us with recreation and enjoyment. We can enjoy better with family than we can enjoy alone. 

It is family where we can learn values, cultures, moral attitude, good thoughts , etiquettes, manners etc. Which helps us to live in the society . We learn how to behave with others . We become civilized in a family . 

Family represents society. A family is the mirror of the society working predict about society by observing a family of that society . Society is a combination of various families having similar thoughts, values, manners and cultures. Family is very important for a society since without family society wouldn't come to existence .

In future, the shape of family will change because even now also we can see so many changes in our family systems. In past, only male used to do hard work or earn money for living. But as of now, women are also being made aware and they are also coming to frontline to compete with men. So we can predict that the shape, size and the concept of the family will definitely change in future. 

 To sum up, family is important not only because it provides strength by creating unity, but also because it is a miniature form of society.

B. Some people think it is better to live in a nuclear family. Other people think that living in extended family is more advantageous. What do you think? Write an essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of both.

Ans: it is true that some people think it is better to live in a nuclear family . Well other people think that leaving in extended family is more advantageous . It's all a matter of taste . It's all a matter of perspective of people with makes them prioritise between these two types of family . But nuclear and extended family have their own advantageous and disadvantages. Nuclear family is the family consisting of 4-5 members. It is usually said that small family - happy family. So nuclear family tend to become happy because they have less to spend much so they can fulfill each others demands and requirements . In small family there is less quarell, fights and  misunderstanding . 

Small family , because it's members are less request less space , less food , less expense on everything . So evil all or are middle class family , it is small can live a good life . Though it has so many merits, it has so many demerits too. They can have communication gap. One may feel lonely because no one is there to spend time with because adults go to the work the whole day.   

On the other hand , extended family has it own advantages. Extended family provides feeling of strength and unity. Many members mean many sources of income. So it is seen that extended family does much financial progress than the nuclear one. But there are some disadvantages too. For example,  there are chances of quarreling, misunderstanding,  fights etc. There are much expenses. These kind of family need more space to live , more food , and everything more. 

So we can say that both these kind of families have their own advantages and disadvantages.  Choosing one of them is all a matter of perspective.


B. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. 

a. 'How much was your parking ticket?' 'Fifty rupees.' 'Oh well, it ………… been worse.'

i. could have

b. It …………. got lost in the post. These things happen sometimes.

ii. might have

c. 'Sorry I'm late. I got delayed at work.' 'You ……….. called. I was really worried about you.'

ii. could have

d. 'I don't think he meant to be rude.' 'He ……… said sorry.

ii. might have 

e. 'Whose signature is this?' 'I don't know. It ……….. be Manoj's. That looks a bit like an M.'

ii. could

f. I had it when I left the office so I ………. lost it on the way to home.

ii. must have

g. You ……….. think it's funny, but I think it's pathetic.

i. might

C. Complete the following sentences with appropriate endings. Use correct modal verbs.

Example: She could be a doctor; however,……………… .

She could be a doctor; however, she preferred to be an advocate.

a. At the end of the course, Pooja will be talented in English.

b. If you want to earn a lot of money, you must work hard. 

c. You were not in your house yesterday. You must have gone somewhere. 

d. I'm quite busy tomorrow. I will not come to school. 

e. When you were a small kid, you used to wear half pants. 

f. My car is broken. I should repair it. 

g. I've got a fast speed internet at home. I should do online jobs. 

h. Even though she didn't study well, She will pass the exam.

i. There are plenty of newspapers in the library. You can bring some if you want. 

j. What do you think you were doing, playing in the road? You must be disturbing others. 

k. I have no time. I must not leave the task for tomorrow. 

l. You don't look well. You should see the doctor. 

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