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Shiksha Bikash Secondary School

Getting in Touch with Aliens by Stephen Hawking: Summary and Exercises

Getting in Touch with Aliens by Stephen Hawking: Summary and Exercises


In this essay 'Getting in Touch with Aliens' Stephan Hawking says that it is impossible for human beings to meet aliens face to face because even if the aliens exist they are several light years far from us. But with the help of radio, we might still get to know each other. we might still be able to talk because unlike sound, radio waves moves fast as anything can move at the speed of light . 

In organisation named is SETI (The Search for  Extraterrestrial Intelligence) long ago tried hard to find signals or hints of Aliens' existence using radio but they failed and has now almost given up. The reason behind their failure is their impatients. Looking for a new civilization needs much effort and patients but giving up after a little effort is not good at all.

Hawking says that if we point our antenna in the right direction, tune to the right spot on the dial, have a sensitive enough receiver and listen to at the right time, we might find signals from aliens.

Also Read:Half a Day by Naguib Mahfouz | Summary and Question Answers | Major English Class 11

 But even if we find signals it will not be easier for us to talk to them because of the distance. For example imagine that the nearest aliens are on a planet around a star that is only one thousand light years away. If they say 'Hello' to us it will take 1000 years to reach to ask and saying the same amount of time will take them to receive our reply. Another problem is that even if we received the signal even if they tried to talk to us, it will be difficult for both of us to understand each others language. so we both have to send an receive long messages and use pictures so that it will be easier for both of us to know about each other.

 No matter how difficult it will be to find aliens and to talk to them finding there existence will be our greatest scientific achievement .


Multiple choice questions 

1. The distance between the stars is ______.

Ans: fathomless

2. The full form of SETI is 

Ans: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

The author makes reference of two dramatist, Shakespeare and _______.

 Ans: Sophocles

3. According to the author, if we get alien encyclopaedias we won't be able to _____

Ans: decode them


4. The author hopes that 

Ans: humans will know them someday

Also read: Half a Day by Naguib Mahfouz | Summary and Question Answers | Major English Class 11

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