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Shiksha Bikash Secondary School

Unit 1 - Critical Thinking | All Exercises | Compulsory English Class 12

Unit 1 - Critical Thinking | All Exercises | Compulsory English Class 12

 Working With Words 

A. Find the words from the text that match with the following meanings

a. walking by dragging one's feet along or without lifting 
them fully from the ground - Shuffling

b. drawing pictures or patterns while thinking about 
something else - Doodling

c. a piece of flat metal with writing on it - plaque

d. a general rule intended to regulate behaviour or thought - Precept

e. move or go in a furtive or stealthy way - sneak

B. Consult your teacher and define the following thinking skills.

a. Convergent Thinking: It is a process of finding out one best solution to the problem that you are trying to solve. 

 b. Divergent Thinking: It is a method of generating ideas by generating many possible solutions. 

c. Critical Thinking: It is the analysis of facts to for a judgement. 

d. Creative Thinking: It is a skill or technique to look at a problem or issue from creative and different angle and finally solve the problem or develop a plan. 


Answer the following questions.

a. Who was Jack? How did he make children laugh?
Ans: Jack was a fun loving guy and one of the friends of the narrator. He made children laugh by cracking jokes. 

b. Why are “Sharks” important to Reid?
Ans: According to Reid, Sharks are important because they eat dead things in the ocean. 

c. What does Mr. Browne think about the most important thing?
Ans: Mr. Browne thinks that to know who we are, what kind of people we are, are the most important thing. 

d. What is that has not been noticed by the student?
Ans: The plaque next to the door of this school has not been noticed by the students. 

e. How did Jack make fun of the English class?
Ans: Mr. Browne was giving some serious philosophical thoughts to students. At the very moment, Jack said something in a quirky and funny way. In this way Jack made fun of the English class. 

f. What were the students going to do at the end of the month?
Ans: At the end of the month, the students were going to write an essay about their precept and what it meant to them. 

g. What particular act of students surprised a girl student?
Ans: A girl was surprised by the fact that students really do as said by Mr. Browne. They write their precept on a postcard, and mail it to him from wherever they go on their summer vacation. 


Write an email to your friend explaining an interesting class you had. 

Dear Rohan, 
Thanks for the email. I am fine and I hope you are also fine there. I became very happy to read about your memorable moment at the school last sunday. I also had an interesting class yesterday so thought of sharing with you. 

It was Friday and we sometimes celebrate good friday by doing something extra knowledgeable, funny and interesting. Our teacher started the class by saying "Do you know? The Music 'As Soon As Possible' by John Cage is the longest music in the world which takes 639 years to listen it from start to end. " We became curious and asked our teacher to tell us more such interesting facts. Some of our friends also shared the interesting facts they knew. The class was full of fun and knowledge. 

From that day I began to search and learn interesting facts from the internet. I have learned so many facts. Do share with me if you know some interesting facts. 



B. Rewrite the following sentences adding appropriate question tag. 

a. Gill does not know Ann, does he?

b. I’m very patient, aren't I?

c. They’d never met me before, had they?

d. Listen carefully, will you?

e. Let’s have a break, shall we?

f. Let us invite them, will you?

g. Hari used to live in France as a boy, didn't he?

h. You’d better not take a hard drink, would you?

i. Sheep eat grass, don't they?

j. Mr. Pande can speak nine languages, can't he?

k. She’s finished her classes, hasn't she?

l. She barely managed to reach the goal, did she?

m. Don’t let him swim in that pond, will you?

n. There are lots of people here, aren't there?

C. Read the following situations. What do you say in these situations? Use 
question tags.

a. The sky is full of cloud. You can see lightning and hear thunder. 
It’s going to rain soon, isn't it?

b. You want to pay the taxi fare but you are short by 100 rupees.
Shyam, you give me 100 rupees, won't you?

c. You have met a stranger at a party and you want to have a chat with him/
Great party, isn't it?

d. You came out of the film hall with your friend. You enjoyed the film.
The film was really interesting, wasn't it?

e. You and your friend listened to a comedian on the stage and felt spellbound 
by his/her performance.
He gave an excellent performance,  didn't he?

f. You think your friend’s father has arrived from the US but you are not sure. 
Your father has arrived from the US, hasn't he?

g. You think Susan will join the new job tomorrow but you are not sure
Susan will join the new job, won't he?

h. Your friend’s hair looks too short.
You have got too short hair, haven't you?

i. You want to go for a picnic with your friends in class.
Let’s go for a picnic, shall we?

j. You want permission from your father to go for a walk.
Let me go for a walk, will you?

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