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Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy | Summary And Question Answers | Major English Class 11

Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy | Summary And Question Answers | Major English Class 11


A certain king believed that he would never fail in anything only if he knew what was the right time for every action, who were the most necessary people and what were the most important thing to do. So he
made an announcement throughout his kingdom that he would give a great reward to anyone who would teach him and his three questions. 
All the so called educated men came ri king, but they all answered his quesrions differently. 

In reply to the first question, some said to make a work calendar and strictly follow it. Some said to hire wise men so that they could fix the proper time for everything. Some said to consult magicians  or fortune tellers because they know what was going to happen and king can do accordingly. 

Equally various were the answers to the second question. Some said, the most important people for the king was his councilors, some said priests, doctors, warriors were more necessary. 

In reply to the third question also some said, the most important thing to do for the king was science , some said religious worship, some said skill in warfare. The king agreed with none of them and gave the reward to none. 

At last he decided to consult a hermit, widely renowned for his wisdom. He wore simple clothes, left his soldiers far from the hut of the hermit and went alone to meet him. 

The hermit was digging his field. The king asked him his three questions but hermit didn't reply. Thechermit was frail and weak. Seeing bis weakness, the king began to help him to dig the field, after some time he again asked the questions but didn't get any reply. The king worked all day long but didn't get the answers. At last he said, "I came to you for an answer to my questions. If you can't give me answers, tell me so, and I will return home. 

Meanwhile a badly injured wounded man comes to them and gets fainted. Both the king and the hermit helped the wounded man, took him to the hut and laid on the bed. The king being tired so much also felt asleep. 

When he woke up, the wounded man was gazing at him. When asked why he was looking at him, the wounded man man told the king that he knows him. He had come here with aplan to kill him on his way. But the king didn't return the whole daym so he himslef was coming to the hut to kill the king but git cought by his soldiers and got injured. He apologised for his deeds and praised the king for being so kind. The king forgives him and went outside to meet the hermit. He asked the hermit to kindly answer his questions. 

The hemit then explains that by digging the beds for him, the king had escaped the attack. So the most important time was when he was digging the beds. The hermit himself was the most important person, and to do him good was the most important business. 

The hermit again told him that the most important time is the present time i.e. now. The most necessary man is with whom he was. And the most important thing to do is to do good, because for that puspose alone was man sent into this life. 

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