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Of Studies by Francis Bacon | Summary And Question Answer | Major English Class 11


Of Studies by Francis Bacon | Summary And Question Answer | Major English Class 11
Of Studies by Francis Bacon | Summary And Question Answer | Major English Class 11


The present essay "Of Studies" explains the benefits and importance of study or reading. It shows how study matters in a man's life. It helps us to face in our daily lives. 

Bacon in his essay says that study serves as the means for delight, ornament and ability. Delight in the sense that studying books like fiction or poetry gives immense pleasure. It helps us to reduce stress. Similarly studying helps us to make strong and logical arguments. And study gives the ability to make judgements and firm decision. 

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However reading too much is bad since it causes boredom and laziness. Using only bookish knowledge while in discussion, or in judgements is not worthy. The knowledge of practical world is also necessary for discussion and judgements. Knowledge and experience make reading complete. He compares natural ability with plants and says they both need to be nurtured. And natural ability can be nurtured by studies. 

He further says that some people like shrewd people in most cases, deal with different situations of life with no studies. So for them, studies are of no use. On the other hand ,simple men admire studies and wise men take the best out of their studies as wise men know how to use the knowledge from books in real life. 

Bacon suggests one should study in a right way in order to achieve what the book is offering. We should not read to prove anyone wrong or we should not take everything that the book says for granted. 

According to Bacon, not every book is of equal importance. Some books are just to be tasted i.e. they are to be read partially. Some books are to be swallowed i.e. they are to be read for theoretical knowledge which we can use in real life. And then there are some books which needs to be chewed and swallowed i.e. they need to be read completely. Bacon says that reading makes a full man. He means that reading fills the man with knowledge. It expands the horizon of ones knowledge. It make a person able to handle any discussion with ease. 

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On the contrary, if one reads little, then he needs to pretend of knowing things. If the person cannot pretend then it will become obvious that he does not aware of the things. 

In conclusion, Bacon mainly focuses on benefits of reading as reading makes man filled with knowledge. However he does not say that only reading is enough for everything. He makes his arguments balanced by focusing on experience. 

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